Jhanak 13th September 2024 Written Update: The episode starts with Anuradha doing Appu’s aarti. She asks Kajal to stay and have food with them. Kajal says she’s feeling sleepy and has to go to school. Anuradha tells her not to go to school for two days. Lalon suggests Kajal take leave, saying they’ll party. Kajal responds that her work is her party. Lalon says she talks strangely sometimes. Appu goes inside. Chimli tells Lalon to give them money before coming inside. Lalon agrees and tells them to do what they want. Anuradha and Appu also ask Lalon to give them money. Everyone smiles and compliments Appu. Chimli asks for 5000 rupees. Lalon refuses and says he’ll give only 2500 rupees. They insist on 5000. Appu agrees and tells Lalon to give them the 5000 rupees. He gives them the money, and Appu suggests they have a party. Kajal says they should rest and that she will leave. Anuradha insists on completing some rituals first. A relative says Lalon and Appu will sing. Anuradha adds that more relatives are coming. Appu says she’s feeling sleepy, but Anuradha says she can sleep after the rituals. Kajal suggests letting them rest, mentioning that the bride’s family usually stays awake, not the groom’s family. Lalon says he’s not sleepy but lets Appu go rest.
Anuradha invites everyone to have food at her house. Another lady comments that Appu looks good and asks if she is unwell. Lalon thanks her for not finding any faults in Appu. He explains that her family thinks she’s unwell, but she’s just a little sick and is always the first to show affection. Kajal teases him.
Lalon says he knows Appu’s qualities well, which is why he married her—she has a kind heart. Anuradha asks Chimli to bring sweets, and Appu asks everyone to have some. Lalon mentions the house is small but assures Appu she’ll adjust. Appu replies that she won’t have any problems. Anuradha blesses Appu, and Kajal offers to leave. Anuradha insists Kajal stays for food. Lalon tells Kajal she can’t leave without eating. Appu urges Kajal to stay, saying that she’s upset and that everyone listens to her. Kajal finally agrees and says she’ll eat. Appu gets happy and says Kajal will now be like her sister and recite poems and stories for her.
The next morning, Anuradha welcomes Choton and Jhanak. Jhanak says she’s leaving for Mumbai today but wanted to meet everyone. Choton explains that Jhanak has work. Lalon jokes about visiting them in Mumbai with Appu. Jhanak is glad to hear it. She advises Lalon to find out who tried to frame him. Lalon says he prefers focusing on work instead. Choton offers help. Jhanak mentions that the commissioner helped Lalon the previous day, and without him, Lalon would have been in serious trouble. Anuradha says they received help because Lalon’s father had helped many people, and she asked the commissioner to find the culprits. Lalon promises to deal with it later. Someone says Appu is getting ready, and Anuradha adds that Kajal woke her up. Choton says that’s good, and they discuss how clean-hearted Appu is, saying they wouldn’t want to change her.
Anirudh and Mrinalini arrive. Anirudh introduces Mrinalini, and Jhanak hugs her. Jhanak teases Mrinalini about Choton. Mrinalini says she came because she cares about everyone, then asks where Appu is. Appu arrives and asks if she looks good. She hugs everyone. Anirudh gives her a chocolate, and Appu asks why he didn’t attend her wedding. Mrinalini apologizes and hugs her. Kajal jokes that Appu’s family is finally here, making her happy. Appu shares that she didn’t see her mom’s face that morning, which upset her, but her mom would come to visit soon. Anuradha mentions that more relatives, like Meghla and her parents, are coming in the evening. Appu says Jhanak and Mrinalini won’t leave until then.
Later, Meghla and Adrija arrive. Lalon praises Meghla’s singing talent. Anuradha introduces them to Appu’s family. Meghla says Jhanak looks familiar, realizing later that she saw her in an ad. Adrija asks about a competition and who won. Jhanak recalls the event. Meghla compliments Jhanak’s dance performance, and Jhanak reveals that although she didn’t win, Arshi did. Jhanak then requests Meghla to sing, and Meghla agrees as long as Jhanak dances. They both agree to perform.
Precap: Aditya calls Anirudh and says Jhanak’s condition is serious, and she has been admitted to the hospital. Anirudh says he is coming to Mumbai immediately.
Jhanak 12th September 2024 Written Update