Jhanak 9th September 2024 Written Update: The episode begins with Ajanta feeling very confused about the whole situation. The police have arrested Lalan on his wedding day, leaving both Ajanta and Bablu devastated as their daughter’s wedding has been canceled. Tanuja and Shubha criticize Lalan’s character, accusing him of being involved in many criminal activities. However, Appu’s parents refuse to believe that Lalan could have done anything wrong. They decide to go to the police station.
Meanwhile, Jhanak steps up and promises to prove Lalan’s innocence within a few hours. She challenges Tanuja, claiming that she will show there is nothing wrong with Lalan’s character. Appu, heartbroken, cries over losing her love on her wedding day. She is encouraged to stay strong until she can bring justice to Lalan. The villagers from Lalan’s slum also begin protesting at the police station.
At the police station, Lalan is interrogated about the recent incident, but he repeatedly denies committing any crime. Meanwhile, the slum dwellers continue their protest.
When Jhanak arrives at the station, she takes action against the police. Lalan’s mother reveals that his father was a respected lawyer who was betrayed by a close friend and lost everything. Shubha becomes alarmed by Anuradha’s words but chooses not to reveal the truth to anyone.
Shubha tries to speak with the police alone, but Jhanak becomes suspicious and stops him from going separately with the officer. Jhanak, along with the family, enters the police station, demanding justice for Lalan. She explains to the inspector that Lalan is innocent and not involved in any criminal activity. Everyone pleads with the officer to release him, as his marriage is at stake. Anuradha also mentions her late husband’s respected status. Suddenly, the officer plays a call recording between Shubha and the police officer, revealing Shubha’s plan to break Appu and Lalan’s wedding on purpose. The episode ends.
Precap: Aditya will inform Anuradha that Jhanak is suffering from a critical condition and will request her to come to Mumbai.